Midwifery Care

Offering you a full range of pregnancy and birth options

Midwifery Care at Beverly Hospital

Beverly Hospital midwives are an integral part of our pregnancy and birth team. By including midwives in our care provider choices, we offer women in our community more options when it comes time to have their baby.

From natural childbirth to all pain control modalities, you can choose the level of intervention that’s right for you — whether you choose midwife or obstetrician care. We provide the best patient-centered care for each woman in the context of her needs and desires.

Our midwives collaborate closely with our obstetricians. This way, all our pregnancy and birth providers learn from each other. We have an obstetrician and a midwife on the labor floor at Beverly Hospital 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Services We Offer

Beverly Hospital midwives provide these services:
  • Prenatal care
  • Vaginal delivery of low-risk pregnancies

Pregnancy & Birth Care

Your Beverly Hospital pregnancy and birth team coordinates care with other specialty providers throughout our hospital to ensure all your care needs are met.

We’re Here To Help

To speak with a member of our team, please call.