Patient Rights & Responsibilities

 Know your rights and understand your responsibilities as a patient

Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Patient

 At Beverly Hospital, we support your right to know about your health and condition. We champion your right to participate in decisions that affect your well-being.      


If you have questions about patient rights and responsibilities, or would like to make a complaint, call the Patient Experience Team at 978-922-3000, ext. 2273.

If you have concerns about patient care or safety that are not resolved by the hospital:

Your Patient Rights

You have many rights as a patient. Our list of patients' rights incorporates state and federal law. The rights and responsibilities of patients unable to make their own decisions are protected by the patient's guardian, health care agent or legal representative.

Feel free to discuss any questions with your doctor and/or hospital staff.  

As a patient at Beverly Hospital, you have the right to:  

Communication and Decision-Making

  1. To know the name and role [medical doctor (MD), registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), etc.] of your doctor and other caregivers.
  2. To receive information about your medical problem and treatment in language you can understand.
  3. To communicate with your caregivers and receive assistance with any special needs you may have.
  4. To read your medical record.
  5. To have confidentiality regarding your medical information.
  6. To participate in decisions involving your care, including the right to refuse care to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action.
  7. To have a consultation with a specialist, at your expense.
  8. To be informed about the outcomes of care, including unexpected outcomes.
  9. To request a transfer to another room.
  10. To voice complaints about your care and have those complaints reviewed and, when possible, have those complaints resolved.
  11. To receive a prompt response to any concerns or complaints you express.
  12. To have an advance directive (either a Health Care Proxy or a Durable Power of Attorney for health care) and expect the hospital to honor the intent of that directive to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy.

Treatment Planning and Care

  1. To have privacy and respectful care.
  2. To have a person of your own sex present during personal care.
  3. To have your pain or discomfort relieved as much as possible.
  4. To refuse to be cared for by students or any other staff without affecting your access to care.
  5. To refuse to participate in research.
  6. To have the protection and environment needed for personal safety.
  7. To help with planning your after-hospital medical care.

Family, Friends, Spiritual Support, Personal Matters

  1. To define the level of involvement of your family members in your health care decisions.
  2. To have visitors and to communicate with people outside of the hospital, or to refuse to see visitors.
  3. To practice spiritual and cultural preferences that do not harm others or interfere with your care.
  4. To wear personal clothing and religious or symbolic items that do not interfere with your care.

Financial Arrangements

  1. To receive prompt lifesaving treatment in an emergency regardless of your ability to pay.
  2. To be informed of the hospital's charges for treatment, to learn about available payment methods including financial assistance and/or free care; to receive a copy of all charges submitted to insurance companies.

Your Patient Responsibilities

As a patient of Beverly Hospital, you are expected to and have the responsibility to:  

  1. Follow the rules or regulations of the hospital which may apply to your conduct and safety as a patient.
  2. Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your symptoms, past illnesses, allergies, hospitalizations, medications, pain severity, and other matters relating to your health.
  3. Report unexpected changes in your condition to your doctor or nurse.
  4. Report whether you clearly understand the medical plan for you and understand what part you play in it.
  5. Follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor. Follow the instructions of nurses and other health staff. Follow your plan of care. Follow the doctor's orders. Allow the care team to enforce applicable hospital rules and regulations.
  6. Be responsible for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow the doctor's instructions.
  7. Ensure that your financial obligations for care are fulfilled as soon as possible.
  8. Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel by assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors.
  9. Be respectful of the property of other people in the hospital.

Contact Patient Experience Team

Call or email us with questions or to share feedback.

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