Thyroid Biopsy

Detecting thyroid problems early

Expert Diagnostic Care for Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid problems are being detected earlier than ever before. This early detection is the result of new diagnostic tools and more diligence by health care providers. At Beverly Hospital, we provide thyroid biopsies to help you receive timely care for thyroid problems.

Biopsies help monitor thyroid nodules that may be cancerous. They also help detect a range of other thyroid problems. Our team offers these services to ensure you get the care you need following a biopsy:

  • One-on-one consultations
  • Pathological studies
  • Referrals for additional care

Our team includes experts in diabetes and endocrinology, as well as radiology and imaging.

State-of-the-Art Biopsy Technology

With the help of ultrasound technology, our specialists perform biopsy procedures called fine needle aspiration. This process involves using a needle to remove cells from your thyroid gland for testing.

What to Expect During a Thyroid Biopsy

Before Your Biopsy
  • Check with your doctor for restrictions about medications that may increase bleeding. These include:
    • Aspirin
    • Coumadin
    • Feverfew
    • Fish oil
    • Flaxseed
    • Garlic supplements
    • Ginger
    • Ginkgo biloba
    • Glucosamine chondroitin
    • Ibuprofen
    • Licorice
    • Motrin
    • Naprosyn
    • Plavix
    • Vitamin E
  • Arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time to check in. Registration is located at Diagnostic Imaging on the first floor of Beth Israel Lahey Health Care Center–Danvers.
  • Eat a regular meal before you arrive.
  • Bring a list of medications you usually take and any allergies you have.
  • Take your regular medications with water, unless instructed otherwise by your doctor.

When you arrive, your doctor will explain the procedure, including its benefits and possible risks. They also will answer any questions you have. After explaining the procedure, they will ask you to read and sign a consent form.

You may be asked to remove any clothing or jewelry around your neck. You’ll be given a hospital gown to wear.

During Your Biopsy
  • A member of our team will help you lie on your back. Comfort items, such as blankets, are available.
  • An ultrasound technologist will use an ultrasound probe on your neck to locate the area being biopsied.
  • Your doctor will clean your skin at the site of the biopsy and apply a sterile drape. Then, they will inject a local anesthetic or numbing medication. You may experience some pressure or mild discomfort. Tell your doctor if you experience any pain.
  • Your doctor will insert a small needle into your thyroid and remove tissue samples. During this time, you will be asked not to swallow or speak.
  • After the tissue samples are collected, we’ll apply a band aid to the site.
After Your Biopsy
  • After the procedure, your doctor will give you instructions for caring for the biopsy site.
  • The band aid on the biopsy site should be left on for a full day.
  • You’ll be given an ice pack that you can apply with a barrier, such as a towel, if needed for discomfort.
  • You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for any discomfort, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
  • A nurse will call you one day after the procedure.  Feel free to discuss with the nurse any questions, concerns or other aspects of your experience.
  • Contact the ordering physician the week after your procedure to get the results. Results often are available within 10 days of your procedure.

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Services & Specialties

Your endocrinologist may work with other specialists at Beverly Hospital to help you get the best possible care.